Supporting a loved one's education can be rewarding. Considering rising inflation and the cost of education, contributing to someone's higher education may require an early start and strategic planning. 

How We Do It

Trubee Wealth Advisors will develop with you tailored savings strategies designed around your financial goals and the anticipated educational costs of your loved ones.

We will guide you towards tax-efficient investment options and create diversified portfolios geared towards educational expenses, balancing risk and growth potential. 

Advising on and managing 529 plans. 

Periodic reviews of your investment portfolios to ensure they align with your educational goals, making necessary adjustments basked on market trends and your evolving needs.

Education Planning

Education planning is the process of creating a financial plan to fund one's education or that of their children or grandchildren. It involves setting education goals, estimating education expenses, and creating a plan to save and invest for education. Education planning is important because the cost of education continues to rise, and it can be a significant expense for individuals and families.

The first step in education planning is to set education goals. This involves considering the type of education that one wants to pursue, such as a four-year college degree, a graduate degree, or vocational training. Education goals should also include a plan for how education expenses will be covered, such as through scholarships, grants, loans, or savings.

The next step in education planning is to estimate education expenses. This includes estimating the cost of tuition, room and board, textbooks, and other education-related expenses. It is important to consider the cost of education at different institutions, as well as the cost of living in different areas. By estimating education expenses, individuals can create a plan to save and invest enough money to fund their education goals.

Saving for education is an important part of education planning. This can include contributing to a 529 college savings plan or other education savings account. It is important to start saving for education as early as possible, to take advantage of the power of compound interest. As educational expenses approach, it may be necessary to increase savings to meet education goals.

Investing is also an important part of education planning. Investing can help grow education savings over time, but it is important to consider one's risk tolerance and investment goals when choosing investments. It may be necessary to adjust investment strategies as education enrollment approaches, to reduce risk and protect education savings.

Overall, education planning is important for anyone who wants to pursue education goals without incurring significant debt. By setting education goals, estimating education expenses, and creating a plan to save and invest for education, individuals can create a map to fund their education goals. Working with a financial advisor can be helpful in creating a comprehensive education plan that meets individual needs and goals.

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